
Comments on friends' chemistry blog

1. Aleen (27)
-Her answers are very detailed and informative. Besides pictures from the internet, she also took photos of her drawings. Her drawings are very neat and tidy. She also answered the questions very well. But I think she wrote wrongly for the sodium ion, it should be Na not S and outside the brackets of sodium ion should be + not 1+. She gave a lot of elaboration for each question. I think she did a lot of research.

2. Su(24)
-Her answers are good and detailed. She included some examples to relate to her answers. Her answers (especially for the first question) was quite lengthy so I think she must have done a lot of research.  But I think for question 5, it will be better if she can add in the physical properties. For sulfide ion, there should be a (2-) outside bracket.

3. Agnes(14)
-Her blogskin is very beautiful. Her blog is interesting as she included pictures for almost every single question. There are pictures of her drawings and from the internet. Her answers are very detailed. Her answers are straight-forward and easy to understand. She has made good explanations for her answers and relate the answers to her drawings. I think she has put in a lot of effort for the answers.

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